Basement Waterproofing

JM Drywall repair has been offering basement solutions for a long time now. We boast of providing all forms of foundation waterproofing and repair solutions for dampness and smells, cracking and bowing walls, and water problems. Listed below are some of the most popularly available solutions when it comes to waterproofing a house.


This comprises the digging out of all the dirt and debris that settles by the walls all through to footer level, footer tiles replacement, sealing the walls, using gravel to cover that, and backfilling to grade level with the soil.

Interior System

In such a case, work is carried out from within the basement. The floor is usually opened close to the outside walls, and then drain tile is fixed and finally surrounded by gravel. Typically, the pipe is attached to a sump pump that helps in discharging the water.

Multi-Step System

Your outdoor walls are often opened by hand, and then well-assessed for cracks that might allow pollutants, dirt, bugs, and water in. The cracks are usually dug and sealed. This follows the installation of a sub-surface drain to prevent any casual surface water from flowing down that wall and get to the basement area, and the dirt is replaced. Then we seal all above grade cracks, as well as windows. All wall cracks inside are sealed to ensure that the walls are structurally sound. The opening of an inspection trench follows, and the footers are examined, and then reinforced where required. A sub-floor drainage system is set up, then the replacement of the concrete floor that was initially removed. A perforated plastic crock is set up and packed in gravel comprising a safety lid. More so, the installation of a pressure relief system is necessary to efficiently reduce the water underneath the floor.

Calling In A Qualified Pro

Flooded basement’ repairs are best performed by an expert who handles basement waterproofing.

Why call an expert?

– A professional in the industry can assist you to recover your damaged possessions and guide you on restoring your damaged furniture or drywall.
– Pumping out a flooded basement very fast can sometimes result in damage to foundation walls.
– Based on the source, water settled in a flooded basement might comprise viruses and bacteria.

Repairing a flooded basement is our specialty! Prevent future flooding in your house!


We Can Prevent Your Basement From Flooding!


With water basement repair, JM Drywall repair has it down to a science. Our wish is to meet with you and demonstrate why we are the best in the business!

Call us by phone or e-mail us now for a free, no-obligation basement waterproofing quote. Your free quote entails a written quote, an on-site inspection, and guidance.

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